Tungku Primary School, Brunei III Cluster 1

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26 November 2009

Expo'09 Agriculture & Agri Food Brunei Darussalam

Wednesday, 25 November 2009 A group of teachers and students from Sekolah Rendah Tungku went to the Agriculture and Agri Food Expo 2009 this afternoon. The expo was organised by the Department of Agriculture. The batch had a closer look at the agriculture plantation using a touring cart which was used purposely to carry the public touring around the area. They, too, had the chance to look closely at the animals being displayed in cages and experienced...

23 November 2009

Murid Terbaik dan Cemerlang 2009

Isnin, 23 November 2009. Sekolah Rendah Tungku telah meraikan murid terbaik dan cemerlang dari Pra hingga Tahun 6 di dewan sekolah tadi pagi. Acara bermula jam 8.30 pagi dan telah dimulai dengan bacaan surah Al-Fatihah dan doa. Ucapan alu-aluan telah disampaikan oleh Guru Besar Sekolah Rendah Tungku, Cikgu Haji Suhaili bin Haji Jaafar. Antara tetamu khas yang hadir ialah Penolong Guru Besar I SR Tungku iaitu Cikgu Saramah binti Mail dan Penolong...

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