Tungku Primary School, Brunei III Cluster 1

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26 April 2011

Communicative Activities in Classrooms

Mrs Heather Dallas, a CfBT teacher from the school

Communicative activities are indeed effective ways to engage pupils for student-centred learning. The activities need a reason for pupils to communicate with each other. They are realistic and have purposeful context and are meant to be fun and motivating. They adapt a classroom culture that encourages co-operative learning and to match the skill level of the class with the skills required to perform the task.

As presented today by a CfBT teacher from the school, Mrs Heather Dallas, a Pra teacher explained the benefits of using communicative activities. She mentioned that the activities encourage active learning rather than receptive learning where pupils learn through practising language and correcting own errors. She added that the activities focus on language content and meaning rather than grammatical form and provide self-motivating and memorable learning experiences. The activities also often able to provide opportunities for differentiated learning so pupils participate at their own level.

She emphasized the possible problems in using communicative activities including to teach pupils to use quiet voices and take turns talking within a group which normally pupils are overjoyed with fun activities and to engage all pupils to perform a purposeful and accountable task rather than they being off-task.

Lots of activities were demonstrated and performed by teachers who attended the workshop which took place in the Conference Room this afternoon. Among others, Cikgu Haji Suhaili bin Haji Jaafar, the school's Headmaster, Cikgu Saramah binti Mail, the Assistant Headmistress I and Cikgu Hajah Samziah binti Haji Sabtu, the Assistant Headmistress II were also attending and participating in doing the demonstrated activities.

24 April 2011

SR Tungku is now on Facebook!

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22 April 2011

Netball Team made her victory


Tungku Primary School finally made history in the Brunei III Primary School Netball tournament held on 20th April in the Multi Purpose Hall at Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium. Ranking number two was great enough out of 11 schools participating in the tournament.

The team lost to Kiarong Primary School in the final thus the school emerged to the first place with scores 15 – 17. In the semi-final, the team won over Rimba I Primary School with scores 10 – 6. Previously a day before the final, the team emerged with marvelous scores of 23 – 3 with Rimba I Primary School and 16 – 2 with Pengiran Bendahara Sakam Primary School. Rimba II and Telanai Primary School both ranked the third place.

Nur Ady Elzza binti Sofian from Year 6 was announced as the best player in the tournament for the school’s team. Thanks to the coaches Cikgu Lela binti Haji Mamit, Cikgu Yulia binti Abdullah and Cikgu Mazalinah binti Haji Mohammad for their determination in coaching the girls to their best achievement in the game. Big thanks to the other teachers from the school itself who attended the event in appreciation for their great support to the netball team.

Nur Ady Elzza binti Sofian, the best player

DSC_0309 Picture snap with Cikgu Saramah binti Mail, PGB I SR Tungku (front row, five from the left)

14 April 2011

Kongsisama Pas Penuntut

Sekolah Rendah Tungku kelmarin telah mengadakan perkembangan staff bagi guru-guru dengan menjemput pegawai-pegawai dari Unit Pengakuan Belajar (UPB) iaitu Cikgu Haji Mansor bin Haji Samat dan Cikgu Abdullah bin Bahar untuk menerangkan kepentingan dan keperluan Pas Penuntut yang hanya melibatkan murid-murid tertentu yang bersekolah di sekolah-sekolah kerajaan di negara ini.

Sesi kongsisama berlangsung di bilik mesyuarat sekolah pada jam 2 petang. Selain dari guru-guru, Cikgu Haji Suhaili bin Haji Jaafar, Guru Besar dan juga selaku pengerusi majlis, Cikgu Saramah binti Mail, Penolong Guru Besar I dan Cikgu Hajah Samziah binti Haji Sabtu, Penolong Guru Besar II juga bersama-sama menghadiri sesi kongsisama tersebut.

Antara yang dikongsikan ialah tujuan penubuhan unit iaitu untuk mengawal kemasukan pelajar-pelajar yang ingin belajar di Negara Brunei Darussalam, membantu hal ehwal keselamatan negara dan bekerjasama dengan pihak imigresen bagi mengeluarkan Pas Penuntut.

Unit ini juga berperanan mengeluarkan Surat Akuan Belajar (SAB) sebagai pengesahan kepada pelajar-pelajar asing yang hendak belajar di negara ini, untuk mendapatkan Pas Penuntut dari Pengarah Imigresen dan Pendaftaran Kebangsaan Negara Brunei Darussalam selaras dengan Akta Imigresen Penggal 17 di bawah peraturan 83(1)(c) dan 11(1) Jabatan Imigresen dan Pendaftaran Kebangsaan Negara Brunei Darussalam.

Antara lain yang ditekankan ialah pemohon yang dimestikan untuk memohon SAB seperti status pemohon stateless, anak warganegara Brunei yang lahir di luar negara dan sebagainya. Juga diterangkan tarikh permohonan diterima bermula pada 1 Julai hingga 30 Jun pada tahun depannya.

UPB berfungsi di bawah Jabatan Sekolah-Sekolah, Kementerian Pendidikan. Unit ini ditubuhkan pada 1 Julai 1984. Untuk maklumat lanjut bagi sekolah-sekolah lain yang berkeinginan mengetahui tentang peranan UPB melalui sekolah-sekolah kerajaan boleh dihubungi di alamat dibawah.

Jabatan Sekolah-Sekolah,
Blok 2J 03-04,
Kondominium Ong Sum Ping,
Bandar Seri Begawan KA1311,
Kementerian Pendidikan.
Fax: 2230144
Tel: 2230145 / 2230146


13 April 2011

Bengkel Permainan Bahasa dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Melayu

Satu bengkel permainan bahasa dalam pengajaran bahasa melayu telah diadakan pada 5hb April bertempat di Bilik Sains sekolah. Cikgu Yulia binti Abdullah telah mengongsikan idea mengenai permainan bahasa ini yang beliau perolehi sewaktu menghadiri ''Bengkel Permainan Bahasa Dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Melayu'' selama beberapa minggu bertempat di Universiti Brunei Darussalam pada tahun lepas. Salah satu objektifnya ialah matlamat jangka pendek yang digunakan oleh guru sebagai asas untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran tertentu semasa dan selepas proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran.

Sesi tersebut dihadiri oleh Guru Besar, Cikgu Hj Suhaili bin Hj Jaafar, Penolong Guru Besar I, Cikgu Saramah binti Mail, Penolong Guru Besar II, Cikgu Hjh Samziah binti Hj Sabtu dan guru-guru Sekolah Rendah Tungku.

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