Tungku Primary School, Brunei III Cluster 1

Twitter Updates

29 August 2011



17 August 2011

Majlis Khatam Al-Quran

Berlangsung pada hari Selasa, 15 Ramadhan 1432 Hijrah bersamaan dengan 16 Ogos 2011 bertempat di dewan Sekolah Rendah Tungku, majlis Khatam Al-Quran sempena Nuzul Al-Quran di bulan Ramadhan telah selamat disempurnakan bagi guru-guru sekolah ini. Majlis diungkayahkan oleh guru-guru ugama selaku Setiausaha Bersama yang diketuai oleh  Ustaz Haji Salleh bin Haji Nasir serta dibantu oleh Ustaz Amiruddin bin Haji Md Zaini, Ustazah Pengiran...

16 August 2011

Raising Awareness on Inclusive Education

Awang Md Bahri managing all on his own during his talk. In line with the Ministry of Education’s goal of fostering and implementing inclusive education, through the Special Education Unit, Sekolah Rendah Tungku in Brunei III Zone  has recently taken its first step towards the same goal – which is to raise awareness about students with special needs and its benefits to the regular students. A total of 275 year 4, 5 and 6 pupils present in the...

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