Tungku Primary School, Brunei III Cluster 1

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25 February 2012

Staff Development - Photostory3

Two presenters, Cikgu Mohd Zul Ariffin bin Haji Ibrahim and Cikgu Hajah Nurbadri binti Haji Md Nasir delivered a staff development to all teachers in the ICT room on Tuesday, February 14th. The topic was about using PhotoStory3 application from Microsoft, integrating teaching into a creative way.

PhotoStory3 is a tool to create movie-like end-product using still images. Teachers and/or students can develop interactive stories with musics and they can narrate their stories too. It is one way to make learning more interesting.

11 February 2012

Majlis Sambutan Maulidur Rasul

"Ukhuwah dan Muafakat Negara Berkat" ialah tema bagi majlis sambutan Maulud Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalam bagi tahun 1433 Hijrah. Sempena sambutan Maulud ini, Sekolah Rendah Tungku telah mengadakan majlis perarakan bagi peringkat sekolah bertempat di kawasan Sekolah Rendah Tungku yang diadakan pada hari Khamis, 9 Febuari 2012. Majlis diungkayahkan oleh guru-guru Ugama sekolah diketuai oleh Ustaz Haji Salleh bin Haji Nasir.

Perarakan diketuai oleh Guru Besar, Cikgu Hajah Norliha binti Haji Matali dan Penolong-Penolong Guru Besar I dan II, Ciku Samziah binti Haji Sabtu dan Cikgu Md Hashanalhakhim bin Hj Abd Halim sambil diiringi oleh guru-guru Ugama dan murid-murid sekolah serta guru-guru lainnya. Perjalanan perarakan berlangsung di sekitar kawasan perumahan Perpindahan Katok A sejauh lebih kurang 1 kilometer bermula di kawasn letak kereta sekolah dan berakhir di tempat yang sama.

Majlis diteruskan dengan acara di dalam dewan dengan persembahan nasyid dari gabungan murid-murid Tahun 5 dan 6 serta pertandingan kuiz Maulud dari murid-murid Tahun 6. Majlis juga diserikan dengan penyampaian hadiah bagi pertandingan tulisan Khat Jawi yang dimenangi oleh Cikgu Mohd Sa'at bin Haji Mokim, Cikgu Md Hashanalhakhim bin Hj Abd Halim dan Cikgu Hajah Fayirose binti Haji Bongsu. Penyampaian hadiah disempurnakan oleh Guru Besar.

Penolong Guru Besar I dan II masing-masing menyampaikan hadiah kepada pemenang kuiz Maulud murid-murid Tahun 6 dan peraduan kuiz murid-murid Tahun 1 hingga 5 yang mana soalan-soalan kuiz bagi Tahun 1 hingga 5 sudah diedarkan sebelum hari acara sambutan.

08 February 2012

'Khat Jawi' Writing Competition

Headmistress Cikgu Hajah Norliha binti Haji Matali and
Deputy Headmistress I, Cikgu Samziah binti Haji Sabtu doing the Jawi writing competition.

In conjunction with and commemorating the Prophet Muhammad's birthday (Peace be upon Him) or the Maulidur Rasul, all teachers of the school engaged in the Jawi writing competition organised by teachers of Religious Section led by Ustaz Haji Salleh bin Haji Nasir. The occasion took place on 7th February soon after a contact time meeting in the Conference Room.

The teachers were required to just use a special pen commonly known as pen khat to write by following the printed Jawi phrase. The writing focused on beautiful handwriting of the Jawi and thus the winner of the competition will be announced on Thursday 9th of February where an official ceremony celebrating the Maulidur Rasul will take place.

Focus and neat... Cikgu Azreem, one of expected winner..

Mr Green Simon, the school's new English Pra teacher from CfBT who arrived in Brunei for about three weeks ago from New Zealand also participated in the Jawi writing competition

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