Tungku Primary School, Brunei III Cluster 1

Twitter Updates

09 July 2015

Khatam Al-Quran and Alms to the Needy

In conjunction with the month of Ramadhan, Tungku Primary School organised Khatam Al-Quran event and also distributions of alms to some identified orphans and needy people particularly the students from the school itself. The occasion started with an opening speech and the first surah from head of organiser, Ustaz Md Amiruddin bin Haji Zaidi, school's head of Religious Section in the school's hall. Attending the occasion were the headmistress,...

08 July 2015

Compulsory Education Act

If a child of compulsory school age are not always present in a school as a student, parent or guardian of the child shall be guilty of an offense, which on conviction be liable to: 1. A fine not exceeding $ 5,000 2. Imprisonment for a term not exceeding one (1) year, or 3. Both of them all. ...

02 July 2015

CheckPoint Tests Year 4, 5 and 6

Today is the last day for Year 4 and 5 students having their SBA2 CheckPoint Test 1. The test has already been running for five days since Saturday, 27th June. As seen in the pictures, Year 5 are having their papers in the hall. Hopefully they all can excel and obtain great results. For Year 6, the last paper of Science CheckPoint Test 3 will be on this Monday, 6th July. Previously they sat for English and Mathematics on 22nd June and 29th June,...

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