Tungku Primary School, Brunei III Cluster 1

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30 August 2010

Majlis Membaca Surah Yaasin, Bertahlil serta Doa Tahlil bagi Sekolah-Sekolah Kerajaan Kawasan Brunei III Tahun 2010M / 1431H

Khamis, 15 Ramadhan 1431H bersamaan 26 Ogos 2010, Jawatankuasa Pemimpin-Pemimpin Sekolah Kawasan Brunei III (JAPSER BR III) telah mengadakan satu majlis membaca Surah Yaasin dan Tahlil serta Doanya bagi Sekolah-Sekolah Rendah Kawasan Brunei III bertempat di Dewan Sukma Indera di Sekolah Rendah Rimba II, jam 12.30 tengahari. Majlis ini dikendalikan oleh Badan Keugamaan, Kebajikan dan Sosial, Japser Br III yang mana melibatkan Guru-Guru Besar, Penolong-Penolong...

Educational visit to Turtle Farm

Ninety-six Preschool students from Tungku Primary School recently had an educational visit and had a lesson on wildlife conservation at the Turtle Management and Conservation Center at Serasa Beach. They were accompanied by 8 teachers. The objectives of the students' visit wasStudents learn and gain more thorough knowledge of the turtle species in Brunei as well as to instil awareness on turtle conservation and the management programme...

12 August 2010

Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa

dari:Warga Guru-Guru, Kakitangan dan Penuntut-PenuntutSekolah Rendah Tungku Brunei ...

11 August 2010

SLP: Action Plan and Scheme of Work, Phase 3

Facilitated by Cikgu Hamdiah and Cikgu Roseadah, the school’s SLP went through successfully for phase 3 discussing about Action Plan and Scheme of Work for the intervention activities. As usual held in the Conference Room on 10 August 2010 at 2pm, the meeting focused on more addition of activities to be implemented to the current intervention program which already being ran soon after the Pre-Test was held on 28 July 2010. Modifications had been...

10 August 2010

Tahlil Sempena Menyambut Kedatangan Bulan Ramadhan

Berlangsung di dewan sekolah selepas perkumpulan pagi tadi, seluruh warga SR Tungku telah sama-sama menyemarakkan majlis keugamaan membaca tahlil sempena kedatangan bulan mulia bulan Ramadhan yang akan tiba tidak lama lagi. Pembacaan diketuai oleh Cikgu Noor Mohammad Sah bin Haji Metassim dan doa selepas tahlil dibacakan oleh Ustaz Haji Salleh. Sebelum itu, ucapan pembukaan bagi majlis itu telah disampaikan oleh Cikgu Suhaili bin Haji Jaafar,...

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