Tungku Primary School, Brunei III Cluster 1

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27 June 2011

Majlis Perpisahan Mantan Guru Besar

Pada 20hb Jun 2011, SR Tungku telah mengadakan majlis perpisahan dan penghargaan bagi mantan Guru Besar, Cikgu Hj Suhaili bin Hj Jaafar yang bertukar tempat bertugas ke Jabatan Sekolah-Sekolah. Majlis telah berlangsung di Restoran Poolside RBC yang dihadiri oleh Guru Besar, Cikgu Hjh Norliha binti Hj Matali, PGB1, Cikgu Saramah binti Mail, PGB2, Cikgu Hjh Samziah binti Hj Sabtu, Pegawai-Pegawai Pelajaran, Guru-Guru dan Kakitangan Sekolah. Majlis...

14 June 2011

Counselling members set off for Brunei

Fulfilling the desire to know more about the ancient Brunei, three pupils together with three teachers from the school's counselling section made some excursions to three places today, 13 June 2011, namely Brunei Museum and Brunei Malay Technology Museum, both in Kota Batu and Kampong Ayer Cultural and Tourism Gallery located in Kampong Lorong Sikuna in the water village. Led by Cikgu Noor Mohd Sah bin Haji Metassim, Cikgu Hajah Aineh binti Haji...

10 June 2011

Kejohanan Bola Jaring Guru-Guru kawasan Brunei III


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