Tungku Primary School, Brunei III Cluster 1

Twitter Updates

24 November 2013

Haka Dance from New Zealand to Tungku, Brunei

Everyone was waiting and eager to know what Haka dance was, until Mr Simon Green, our English CfBT teacher showed and performed the dance on stage in front of others. Haka dance originates from Maori tribes in New Zealand which is also called the dance of war. To know more about Haka dance, click this link. The school informally organised a sport day for fun on 21st November 2013, encouraging and engaging all teachers to participate in the games. Organised by our Physical Education teacher, Cikgu Haji Azreem arranged challenging games for both...

18 November 2013

Tungku Primary School Open Day 2013.

Pengiran Hajah Sarah binti Pengiran Haji Kamaluddin, Director General of Education from Ministry of Education, as the guest of honour accompanied by some officials from the ministry attended the School Open Day organised by Tungku Primary School this morning, 18 November 2013. The guest of honour was welcomed by the school's headmistress, Cikgu Hajah Norliha binti Haji Matali. Also welcoming her were the Assistant Headmistress I and Assistant...

Blog Being Renovated and Reconstructed

Evening to everyone. Sorry if you have any difficulties in viewing our blog as it is now being renovated and reconstructed. Some links may not work and some are lost. We are trying our effort to finish off the reconstruction as soon as possible. If you want to know about our current news, please do go to our facebook page. Thank you for your patien...

01 June 2013

Learning At A Young Age with English

Mr Simon Green, a Pra English teacher. Mr. Simon Green, a CfBT English Pra teacher conducted a staff development for all teachers from the school. The occasion took place in the afternoon in his Pra English classroom on the 28th May 2013. Also attending the workshop was the Headmistress, Cikgu Hjh Norliha binti Haji Matali. The workshop focused on the class layout, behaviour management systems, routines, expectations and standards that were...

17 March 2013

National Day at School

It was the last day of the first term before all pupils would enjoy their 2 weeks school holiday. On 9 March 2013, the school organised a school-level National Day celebration in the hall. Teachers and pupils all gathered to commemorate Brunei Darussalam's 29 th National Day with patriotic performances from the pupils of Year 1 to Year 6. A Doa was recited by Ustaz Amiruddin, marking the event was about to start. Cikgu Hjh Norliha binti Haji Matali,...

14 March 2013

Get Updated With Us On Facebook

Get updated with us on our Facebook page! Use your QR scanner to scan the QR  code above and find us on your smartphones. Get updated with lots of pictures! Enjoy! ;)...

06 February 2013

SBAfL, New Techniques for Teachers

  SBAfL or School Based Assessment for Learning is a fusion of two terms, the SBA and AfL. SBA stands for School Based Assessment at which currently is being practiced since the new SPN21 education system started in 2010. AfL or Assessment for Learning is a new integration of teaching and learning with SBA that was introduced into the Brunei education system in 2012. SBAfL's main focus is the pupils where they play a lead role in their...

04 February 2013

Hakeem and Syafiqah Excelled in Azan and Reciting Surahs

Abdul Hakeem bin Haji Ali, a student from Year 6 got 84% for his result thus ranked number 1 for Azan competition in conjuction with a religious event Maulidur Rasul or Prophet Muhammad S.A.W's birthday celebration in the school's hall. Others, ranking number 2 was Md Izz Fadlin bin Md Fadillah with 78%, Ak Md Hadi Syukri bin Pg Hj Yusof got number 3 with 64%, Saifullah Aiman bin Salim was at 4 with 62% and Muhammad Afiq Aiman...

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