Tungku Primary School, Brunei III Cluster 1

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06 February 2013

SBAfL, New Techniques for Teachers

  SBAfL or School Based Assessment for Learning is a fusion of two terms, the SBA and AfL. SBA stands for School Based Assessment at which currently is being practiced since the new SPN21 education system started in 2010. AfL or Assessment for Learning is a new integration of teaching and learning with SBA that was introduced into the Brunei education system in 2012. SBAfL's main focus is the pupils where they play a lead role in their...

04 February 2013

Hakeem and Syafiqah Excelled in Azan and Reciting Surahs

Abdul Hakeem bin Haji Ali, a student from Year 6 got 84% for his result thus ranked number 1 for Azan competition in conjuction with a religious event Maulidur Rasul or Prophet Muhammad S.A.W's birthday celebration in the school's hall. Others, ranking number 2 was Md Izz Fadlin bin Md Fadillah with 78%, Ak Md Hadi Syukri bin Pg Hj Yusof got number 3 with 64%, Saifullah Aiman bin Salim was at 4 with 62% and Muhammad Afiq Aiman...

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