Tungku Primary School, Brunei III Cluster 1

Twitter Updates

11 April 2014

Kids Exposed to the Wastes

A group of students had a live exposure on how the recyclable items were handled for recycling process. Dated back on 27 March 2014, the students experienced on how the items were set aside according to their specific classification of materials - papers, plastics and cans. This was a program being ran by the school until June this year in support for the Hewlett Packard Recycling Drive organised by Green Brunei Sdn Bhd. They ventured through the...

09 April 2014

Bahasa Melayu's Turn

Right after the routined morning assembly, it was Bahasa Melayu's turn for the morning activities. This time, involved the Year 4 students from 3 classes. As usual, like the other two subjects on Monday and Tuesday; Mathematics and English, 3 activities were opened to students. They needed to complete all three within given times. The students were also divided into five groups - Metal, Fabric, Ceramic, Glass and Rubber. All must participate and...

08 April 2014

SD: Visit to Ceremonial Customs Day

A group of teachers, this afternoon, made a visit to International Convention Centre, ICC for short, to have a closer look at the Ceremonial Customs displays launched by His Majesty the Sultan of Brunei, His Royal Highness Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah on the morning of 31 March 2014. The visit was a part of teachers' staff development to gain new educational resources. The displays were to commemorate the late 28th Sultan of Brunei, Sultan Omar...

Morning Activities of English Games

A new program has now been carried out every week for three days from Monday until Wednesday. The program involves all students to participate according to their scheduled days. The games will be hands-on, critical thinking, teamwork and most of all, engagement or participation and role of each student within the team. Monday will be for Mathematics, Tuesday for English and Wednesday for Bahasa Melayu. As for today, right after the routined morning...

05 April 2014

Next Date Mass Collections for Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Program

Afternoon students. This is just to inform that the next mass collections for the 3R program will be on: Date : Wednesday, 16 April 2014. Time : During school time in the morning. That's all for your information ;) PS: Also updated on school's Facebook, Twitter and Googl...

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