Quizzes for Students about Prophet Muhammad S.A.W
Posted by Unknown on Thursday, March 11, 2010 with No comments
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Sekolah Rendah Tungku, this morning held Maulidur Rasul at the school's hall involving all the students from Pra classes to Year 6 students. The event was organised by the religious teachers from the school itself.

It started off, after the Yaasin which was regularly conducted every Thursday, with a video show about Prophet Muhammad S.A.W's life condition, the historic times of which Prophet Muhammad was appointed as a messenger by the Al-Mighty Allah Subhanahu Wataala.
Students participated in answering the quizzes after the show was over. They showed positive reactions for the event that almost all of them liked to try their best by raising their hands. Questions were based on the video which previously students were required to watch attentively and to gain information for the quizzes.

Students who answered the quizzes were granted with prizes as rewards for participating. Cikgu Suhaili bin Haji Jaafar, Headmaster of Sekolah Rendah Tungku, presented prizes to those participants. The event was finalised with dikir marhaban recited by all.

Sekolah Rendah Tungku, this morning held Maulidur Rasul at the school's hall involving all the students from Pra classes to Year 6 students. The event was organised by the religious teachers from the school itself.
It started off, after the Yaasin which was regularly conducted every Thursday, with a video show about Prophet Muhammad S.A.W's life condition, the historic times of which Prophet Muhammad was appointed as a messenger by the Al-Mighty Allah Subhanahu Wataala.
Students participated in answering the quizzes after the show was over. They showed positive reactions for the event that almost all of them liked to try their best by raising their hands. Questions were based on the video which previously students were required to watch attentively and to gain information for the quizzes.
Students who answered the quizzes were granted with prizes as rewards for participating. Cikgu Suhaili bin Haji Jaafar, Headmaster of Sekolah Rendah Tungku, presented prizes to those participants. The event was finalised with dikir marhaban recited by all.
Categories: Keugamaan
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