Tungku Primary School, Brunei III Cluster 1

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22 November 2014

Signing Students' Records 2014

A great influx of parents came to school's hall this morning for signing their children's records. Started at 8 a.m until 12 p.m, parents also communicated with their children's respective class and subject teachers. This meeting enhanced the productivities of children's behaviours and attitudes toward their achievement in their studies. ...

21 November 2014

Teachers' Day Sports Fun

Marking the 30th Teachers' Day celebration in the country, the school yesterday organised a Teachers Day Sports Fun for all teachers from the school. The occasion took place as early as 8 a.m in the hall soon after the routine morning assembly with the children. Kicked off with simple body warming ups led by Headmistress Cikgu Hajah Norliha binti Haji Matali, the sports fun was just about to thrill with a netball tournament among female teachers....

20 November 2014

iNEIS in Progress

Teacher Lim Kok Chien, one of the iNEIS school committees, introduced the use of the new system to all teachers in the school's ICT lab last Tuesday, 18 November 2014. Assisted by another member from the committees, Cikgu Ampuan Noni Hirnie also facilitated the use of the system to the teachers. iNEIS, or "Integrated National Education & Information System" is a new system that all schools in Brunei will use officially in early 2015, under...

02 September 2014

SR Tungku Welcomes SD Nizamia Andalusia, Indonesia

Tungku Primary School today has received a total of 21 children and 3 teachers from Sekolah Dasar Nizamia Andalusia, Indonesia. Welcoming the delegates at the airport were the Brunei III zone officials from Department of Schools. Also welcoming on behalf of the school were Hjh Samziah Hj Sabtu, former Assistant Headmistress I and Md Hashnalhakhim Hj Abd Halim, the current Assistant Headmaster II. The delegates then went to Tungku Primary...

01 May 2014

SR Tungku Juara Sepak Takraw

Sekolah Rendah Tungku berjaya menjulang sebagai juara bagi Kejohanan Sepak Takraw Sekolah-Sekolah Rendah Kawasan Zon Brunei III bagi tahun 2014 yang berlangsung di Sekolah Sukan, Berakas. Sekolah Rendah Tungku yang diwakili oleh lima pemain dengan jersey kuning berjaya menewaskan Sekolah Rendah Rimba II dengan mata jaringan 15 – 10 di set pertama dan 15 – 8 di set kedua, sekaligus menjadikan Sekolah Rendah Rimba II sebagai...

11 April 2014

Kids Exposed to the Wastes

A group of students had a live exposure on how the recyclable items were handled for recycling process. Dated back on 27 March 2014, the students experienced on how the items were set aside according to their specific classification of materials - papers, plastics and cans. This was a program being ran by the school until June this year in support for the Hewlett Packard Recycling Drive organised by Green Brunei Sdn Bhd. They ventured through the...

09 April 2014

Bahasa Melayu's Turn

Right after the routined morning assembly, it was Bahasa Melayu's turn for the morning activities. This time, involved the Year 4 students from 3 classes. As usual, like the other two subjects on Monday and Tuesday; Mathematics and English, 3 activities were opened to students. They needed to complete all three within given times. The students were also divided into five groups - Metal, Fabric, Ceramic, Glass and Rubber. All must participate and...

08 April 2014

SD: Visit to Ceremonial Customs Day

A group of teachers, this afternoon, made a visit to International Convention Centre, ICC for short, to have a closer look at the Ceremonial Customs displays launched by His Majesty the Sultan of Brunei, His Royal Highness Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah on the morning of 31 March 2014. The visit was a part of teachers' staff development to gain new educational resources. The displays were to commemorate the late 28th Sultan of Brunei, Sultan Omar...

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