Tungku Primary School, Brunei III Cluster 1

Twitter Updates

20 May 2011

Officially Open by Pemangku Penolong Pengarah, MOE.

Cikgu Haji Zulkipli bin Haji Ladis, Pemangku Penolong Pengarah, Bahagian Pendidikan Rendah at Jabatan Sekolah-Sekolah, Ministry of Education was honoured to officially open the new building block at Sekolah Rendah Tungku on 16 May 2011. Other invited MOE officers, the Headmistress of SR Tungku; Cikgu Norliha binti Haji Matali, Assistant Headmistress I; Cikgu Saramah binti Mail and Assistant Headmistress II; Cikgu Samziah binti Haji Sabtu also...

All about Brunei in Hari Warisan; KTM

Sekolah Rendah Tungku recently on 16 May 2011 held a KTM activities with the focused theme of all about Brunei. Organised by the KTM members of the school led by Cikgu Noor Mohd Sah bin Haji Metassim, all teachers and pupils wore Brunei national attires the Baju Kurung, Baju Kebaya, Cara Melayu and respective ethnics traditional attires. The event took place in the school's hall. Cikgu Haji Zulkipli bin Haji Ladis, Pemangku Penolong Pengarah,...

Brunei Consumer Fair in May 2011


18 May 2011

Primary Essay Writing Competition

Calling all pupils ages between 9-11 years old forEssay Writing Competition! Drawing and Writing Topic:How would the future look like in the rural community with ICT? Draw and explain.(Not less than 100 words) Prizes: 1st - Apple iPod Touch 2nd - Apple iPod Nano 3rd - Sony Digital Camera  **All images are for illustration purposes only** Bah apa lagi?? Join tah! Plan to Fail or Fail to Plan? I Plan To SUCCESS!! I want to get...

14 May 2011

Amused For The New Building

 It was an exciting moment for the kids of Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4 that today in the morning they had moved from their old classes of wooden block to new classes and new environment study in a new modern designed concrete building. A total of 12 classes in the new building were fully occupied. All tables and chairs were moved to the new building with help of the Upper Primary pupils of Year 5 and Year 6, together with class teachers'...

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